23046 Avda. de la Carlota, Suite 653, Laguna Hills, California 92653

Take5steps.com: 23046 Avda. de la Carlota Suite 653 Laguna Hills California 92653

Phone: 949-460-6486

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About Take5steps©

Becoming a Professional Translator & Interpreter

Our dedicated platform offers comprehensive training and professional development for those looking to become a professional translator and interpreter.

Why us

Choose Take5steps© for our unrivaled expertise in providing comprehensive training programs for translators and interpreters specialized in education, legal and medical settings. We offer top-notch resources, personalized support, and a strong industry reputation that will propel your career to new heights.

Why now

Take5steps© is at the forefront of professional development in the translation and interpreting field. By partnering with us now, you’ll gain a competitive edge, access cutting-edge knowledge, and position yourself as a trusted expert in serving non-English-speaking students and their families.

Why you

Your passion for bridging language barriers and making a difference in education, legal and medical settings. With Take5steps©, you’ll receive the training, mentorship, and resources tailored to your needs, empowering you to unleash your full potential and succeed as a highly skilled translator and interpreter.

Meet Our Team

We take pride in fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment where individuals can unleash their full potential and achieve their goals.

Do not let anything stop you

Are You In Need of Financial Aid?

If you’re eligible for the Language Access Skills grant, send your information to info@take5steps.com or learn more at languageaccess.org.